Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Catalyst::Example::InstantCRUD updated to newer versions of underlying libraries

Version 0.0.20 released to CPAN. My plan is to port it to use the new HTML::FormFu instead of HTML::Widget and then perhaps make a web wizard to edit the config options.


Anonymous said...

Hi Zbigniew,
after playing around with InstantCRUD for about one month and wrinting some own InstantCRUD-Controller based Controllers (with yaml support instead of taking config from hash) I found the FormFu framework. No I set up a CRUD Controller based on the InstantCRUD-Controller, Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu and DBIx::Class::HTML::FormFu. Perhabs this goes into the direction you plan to go with InstantCRUD. I've got more ideas to put into but have to discuss. Please contact me if you're interested in working together or just talk on br stefan

zby said...

I have actually started to port the code to FormFu, but it goes rather slowly. I have commited some code into the FormFu svn repository - HTML::FormFu::DBIC. But on the other hand I am also thinking about using Form::Processor (or perhaps Rose::HTML::Form) for the forms layer. Form::Processor integration with DBIC and the brevity of the resulting Catalyst controllers really impress me.

Anonymous said...

I put lot's of work in the Catalyst+FormFu+Crud-Stuff. Crud App handels multiple primary keys, auto filter (over foreign keys as well), pager and sort like in InstantCRUD, model generation with DBIxSchemaLoader, auto tooltips for fields, all configurable over webif... a little bit to complex to wrote all down here. But if this is going into your dev. direction perhabs you would like to review some of this things (I could build up a simple example application)

zby said...

Great! Sure I would like to see the code - are you going to publish it under some open licence? Assuming you will - from my experience the most difficult thing with InstantCRUD is to make it generic enough so that other people don't need to learn too much about intricate corner cases when deploying it. What you describe here is pretty impressive and for sure I would like to steal everything that can be made generic into the new version of InstantCRUD or if you are going to publish it to CPAN by your own then I am willing to collaborate.