Monday, June 29, 2009
InstantCRUD and FormHandler
Friday, June 26, 2009
Iron Man Blogging Challenge
There is just one small nitpick - if the goal is: "to promote the language to the world outside the Perl echo-chamber" then the rule that the all the posts need to be about Perl is misguided. If we want to talk to "the world outside the Perl echo-chamber" then we need to talk about the subjects that they care about. I can understand why we need some focusing - and posts about what you had for dinner are not the best way to promote the language - but it will be much easier to engage the outside audience if we wrote about general programming subjects. Look at advertisings - they don't talk about the advertised brand all the time, the more subtle the link is, the more engaging they are.
Update: I should have added that this post was inspired by Gabor Szabo:
Saturday, June 20, 2009
CatalystX::Comments - RFC
Here is the current API - any comments are welcome. First you need to declare the controller using the new Moose style:
package RavLog::Controller::View;
use Moose;
extends 'Catalyst::Controller';
with 'CatalystX::Comments::ControllerFormRole';
has model_name => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => 'DB' );
The important part for us is of course
with 'CatalystX::Comments::ControllerFormRole'
, the model_name
attribute should hold the name of the model CatalystX::Comments will use to store the comments.After the declarations you can use CatalystX::Comments to put the comment form on the stash:
sub view : Chained('base') PathPart('view') Args(0)
my ( $self, $c, $id ) = @_;
$self->stash_comment_form( $c, $self->article->id );
That's the whole controller part - what it handles is generating the form for display and saving the submitted comments. In the view templates you need to add:
[% comment_form.render %]
For displaying the comments themselves ravlog already had some template code and I did not change it.
Next is the model part. The library assumes that the DBIC model contains a Comment Result class like that one in ravlog. Of course it does not need to have all of the columns, and can also have other columns - but these are the columns that will be filled by the CatalystX::Comments form. Ideally that model part should be a Result base class - so that it can be subclassed and adapted to local circumstances (for example the belongs_to relationship to article needs to be changed), but for now I don't know how to do that.
Now some more details. Thanks to html_prefix
all parameters sent from this form are prefixed with the form name - so this form can be added to pages with other forms, it will recognize it's parameters. The comments are saved only when the HTTP method used is POST, and after a successful comment creation the user is redirected to the same page (this seems a bit constraining - but see next paragraph - this is only meant to be temporary solution - I try to keep the API simple).
Of course I understand that this can never cover the needs of a comment sub-system in a mature social web site. I am thinking about it as more of scaffolding - code that let's you quickly develop a feature, see how it integrates with the rest of the user experience, formulate a more complete requirements list - and replace it part by part.
Friday, June 19, 2009
On Scaffoldings
Scaffolding is a wonderful metaphor. Was it invented in Ruby on Rails? I am not sure about that - but nevertheless it is RoR that popularized it and undoubtedly it was one of the engines of it's popularity. It is very "Agile" - like a programming sprint - it implementa a feature in the most simplistic way that can possibly work - but instead of a programming team doing the work the code for that feature is generated.
Scaffolding is a wonderful metaphor - and the brilliance of it shows in how it transcends the original area of code generation where it was introduced in Rails. It can be applicable to any reusable software component meant to be temporary support and to be replaced later. An example of that are code samples in manuals - you copy them just to have something working, but then you modify it and nearly completely replace the original code. And since nothing is universal and no library is ideal - it can be used as a generic measure of how well a library supports this iterative development style. And this brings me to the question - what are the qualities of a good scaffolding? One is that it needs to be gradually replaceable.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Module Rank and Informed Choice
There is much talk recently about CPAN and how to improve it. I firmly believe that initiatives like CPAN Top 100 will eventually lead to some good, Page Rank like, measures of if not module quality then at least module utility. People vote with their legs - they use other modules in their own productions and we don't need any other voting mechanisms. After all Google does quite well with Page Rank, much better than the human edited Internet Directories (like the original Yahoo or Open Directory).
But it all still relies on people choosing the right modules for their own projects - I believe this is a good assumption, the popular "The Wisdom of Crowds" shows why - but still it can be improved by people doing more informed choice. This was my motivation behind my API design blog post. Design of APIs is tricky and subtle and there are things that you just don't spot until it is too late, or alternatively there are deficiencies that are invisible for the seasoned user because he is used to the quirks, he internalized them and he uses the API automatically without thinking.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Form rendering and CSS
I tried a few times to learn CSS, but not really seriously, I guess, since I still know only the most basic things. So I am a bit lost now when I need a nice and universal CSS for FormHandler forms in Catalyst::Example::InstantCRUD. Or perhaps I should say HTML::FormHandler::Render::Simple forms instead of just FormHandler forms as theoretically the HTML rendering part is separated from the main FormHandler code, so that if this Simple renderer turns out really too simplistic I can also write a HTML::FormHandler::Render::NotSoSimple to get the right HTML.
I started reviewing the options and it seems that there are three general approaches to having aligned forms:
- tables
- divs
- lists
- no additional markup
Plus some appriopriate CSS. I think the 'no additional markup' option could never accommodate for error messages, so I leave this one out. This leaves me with three options. I am sure that not everything can be done in each one - but I think we can add a 'style' parameter to the renderer to make it configurable.
Next thing is the recently popular CSS grids - anyone using them? They seem like a nice option for someone needing some universal defaults and the SenCSS example even contains a form styled in two ways (vertical and horizontal alignments) - but would it work with error messages? And the Blueprint one even shows a div with the error class - but how that is to be inserted into the form? I guess each one requires it's own way of HTML structuring.
Friday, June 05, 2009
Packaging cross cutting Catalyst features
A recurring subject on the Catalyst mailing list is about packaging functionality that is not entirely comprised in one of the Model View or Controller parts of the framework (and is not a full application on itself). This is hard and still there aren't many CPAN libraries that do that. One solution to that is writing "helpers" that generate the integration code into your application files. As with all code generation this solution creates many new problems - and ideally we would like to avoid it.
To try out what can be done about that I decided to write a generic comment system for Catalyst (+DBIC, TT and FormHandler). I've already posted the the first code samples to the Catalyzed wiki. The form code and the controller stuff seems closed - it does not need to refer to things from outside but in the DBIC declarations the belongs_to relation of the comments needs to relate to an external table and it's primary key (I assume that comments belong to an article/post/something). How that can be made configurable?
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